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There are secrets everywhere. I think everyone's parents have secrets. You just have to know where to look for them.
— Quigley Quagmire, The Slippery Slope

Quigley Quagmire is one of the Quagmire triplets, along with his two siblings Isadora and Duncan Quagmire. They were orphaned after their parents were killed in a fire. Quigley, along with his sister and brother are heirs to the Quagmire Sapphires.

Although presumed deceased by his siblings and most members of the fire starting side of the schism, they were all unaware he survived the fire as revealed in The Slippery Slope. He assists Violet and Klaus Baudelaire in their rescue of Sunny and seeks to reunite with his own siblings.


Klaus Baudelaire: I know you're worried about Quigley, but I'm sure he's safe.
Violet Baudelaire: I know he is. Quigley's very resourceful.
—"The Grim Grotto: Part One"

Quigley is a very intelligent boy and seems to be a fast memorizer, able to quickly learning secret codes and esoteric facts. He is quite good with direction, and has a very prominent interest in cartography shown when he demonstrates his knowledge of an abstruse location such as the Valley of Four Drafts. He is also incredibly resourceful, being able to live and travel on his own at a young age with little preparation or assistance. Quigley is quite determined and perseverant through tribulation, especially when it comes to those he is loyal to like his family and his friends. After he was separated from his triplets, Duncan and Isadora in the fire, he worried for their safety and went into hiding.

Quigley's resourcefulness is also seen in his curiosity, creativity and proclivity to learn, as he is able to piece together small clues in order to figure out secrets that adults such as Jacques refused to tell him, such as discovering the meaning of V.F.D. and its schism with the help of a certain book.

He is cordial like his siblings, and remains incredibly optimistic despite the hardships he has been put through as a result of his parent's affiliation. Unfortunately, he can be a little too trusting, to the point of naïveté; he states that he believes "well-read people are less likely to be evil," and immediately trusts and obeys Jacques Snicket following the man displaying intelligence and telling him that he knew his parents, despite Jacques also ordering him to stay hidden and isolated and not to attempt to contact his siblings. He is puzzled by the secrets his parents and the other members of V.F.D. choose to keep from him but his penchant towards trust leads him to follow their directions anyway. Quigley believes that everyone and everything has secrets if one scrutinizes enough.

Quigley's heroism can also be seen upon the reveal of his identity as a, which he took great pains to hide from all but the Baudelaires. He hoped that he could convince the Snow Scouts to flee Mount Fraught, risking his safety in order to help others.

Quigley becomes close friends with Klaus and Violet Baudelaire when running into them on his way to the V.F.D. Headquarters, indebted to them for saving his siblings and working with them to save their sister from Count Olaf's clutches. He shares food with them and gives Klaus his own commonplace book, as well as scaling the frozen waterfall with Violet. In fact, he seems to be especially close to Violet, calling her "very lovely" while they climb together and complimenting her inventing skills many times. Their relationship is left purposefully ambiguous, but many readers seem to infer a romantic connection between him and the eldest Baudelaire. He also contacts her specifically during The Grim Grotto.

Physical Appearance[]


Quigley wears a mask for the first part of the book, disguised as a Snow Scout, but even when he takes it off, Quigley’s exact appearance is never described exactly, and he is only illustrated once. However, he is said to look exactly like his two siblings, Duncan and Isadora. In the illustration, he has short dark hair with a long fringe.


Just like in the books, Quigley is first seen in his Snow Scout disguise, wearing a mask that covers his face. When he takes it off, he looks almost exactly like his brother, but with slightly longer hair and different clothes. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He is played by Dylan Kingwell, who also plays Duncan Quagmire.


Early Life[]

Violet Baudelaire: That is a very well-drawn map.
Quigley Quagmire: Thank you. I've been interested in cartography for quite some time.
The Slippery Slope

The Quagmire family(Netflix).

Quigley was born as one of three triplets, his other siblings being Duncan and Isadora. The triplets were unknowingly born into a family with both parents members of V.F.D. Quigley took an interest in cartography from a young age and received a cartography teacher who may have been connected to his parents' organization. He also received a purple commonplace book.

Sometime after the events of The Reptile Room, a fire broke out in the Quagmire Mansion. At the time, Quigley was in the family library, studying a map of the Finite Forest. He heard a shattering of glass and people shouting in the chaos as his mother ran in and informed him there was a fire. They first tried to go out the front door, to find the hall filled with smoke, so she took him back to the library and showed him a secret trapdoor that lead into a underground passageway. She told him to wait while she fetched his siblings, but she never returned. Quigley heard the house falling to pieces above him and the screams of his siblings, but when he tried to open the door, something had fallen on top of it, and he was trapped. Quigley feared for the worst, and hoped that the rest of his family survived the fire.


The Quagmire library on fire.

Once he realized that he the passageway went straight and that nobody was coming to retrieve him, a terrified Quigley followed the tunnel and exited in the abandoned reptile room of Montgomery Montgomery's house. Quigley found the suitcase of Count Olaf (when he disguised himself as Stephano) and several empty cages where the reptiles were once in.

For several days, Quigley remained in the house. He found out about his parents' death and the fact he was legally considered deceased from a copy of The Daily Punctilio left on the doorstep, and he was too scared and shocked to do much more than eat food from the kitchen and sleep on the stairs to wait for the herpetologist to come home, not knowing that Montgomery Montgomery was dead.

Upon learning that his siblings were sent to Prufrock Preparatory School, Quigley became determined to find them. He found an atlas in the reptile room and studied it until he found the school, and traced a route. But as he started to gather the supplies he would need in a tote bag he found, Jacques Snicket arrived to do some reading.

Jacques was overjoyed to find Quigley alive and quickly informed him that he knew his family. Quigley decided to trust him on account of his knowledge of the secret tunnels, the Quagmires, and how well-read he was. Jacques showed Quigley a photo of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire and asked if he'd seen them; the man was investigating their case and trying to find them.

Jacques didn't tell Quigley as much information as the boy hoped, instead spending his time digging through Monty's library to try and find some crucial information. Quigley did manage to find out that V.F.D. probably stood for "Volunteer Fire Department", and that they had suffered a schism that divided the fire-fighters from the fire-starters. Jacques mostly left Quigley alone while he conducted his investigation in the library, and would sometimes disappear for hours at a time.

Quigley incompletehistory

Quigley in Dr. Montgomery's library.

Soon afterward, Jacques left for Paltryville to continue searching for the Baudelaire orphans. Quigley remained at Montgomery's home, starting his own commonplace book to gather together the mysteries surrounding him. He read Remarkable Phenomena of the Mortmain Mountains which contained a secret chapter about how to reach V.F.D. Headquarters.

One day, Quigley finally decided to leave, firstly because he received a newspaper informing him that his siblings were kidnapped, and secondly because someone threw a flaming torch through the window, which burned down the house (it is unknown who threw the torch, although it might have been Count Olaf). He left with a backpack Jacques had left behind, including Verdant Flammable Devices, and his commonplace book.

He traveled first to Paltryville, using Dr. Montgomery's atlas to travel on foot, afraid that anyone who offered him a ride could be an enemy. When he reached the town, he investigated Georgina Orwell's office, finding Olaf's fake nameplate and fingernails (from when he disguised himself as Shirley), as well as some notes in Jacques's handwriting. Realizing finding Jacques would be harder than he'd anticipated, Quigley set out to find V.F.D. Headquarters, hoping the fire-fighters would help him rescue Duncan and Isadora.

He ran into the Snow Scouts and joined them in order to get to Mount Fraught, where he knew the V.F.D. Headquarters was located. However, Bruce took away his matches, saying children should not play with them.[4]

The Slippery Slope[]

I keep wondering the same thing. If I could travel back in time to the moment my mother showed me the secret passageway under the library, I would ask her why she was keeping these secrets.
— Quigley Quagmire, The Slippery Slope

While traveling with the Snow Scouts, the group runs into Violet and Klaus Baudelaire, who are searching for their sister Sunny, after she was kidnapped by Count Olaf. Quigley communicates to them his connections to V.F.D. by dropping several "V.F.D." phrases into a conversation. When the snow scouts are asleep, he directs and accompanies Violet and Klaus up an escape passage in the cave, known as a Vertical Flame Diversion, which he'd mapped out while in Monty's home. They travel to the Vernacularly Fastened Door, for which Quigley has the password questions. Violet and Klaus type them in, and they arrive at the old mountain headquarters, only to discover that it had been burned to the ground due to the Man with a Beard but No Hair and the Woman with Hair but No Beard.

Distressed, the Baudelaires call for their parents since they believed that one of them would be in the headquarters. Quigley reveals himself to the Baudelaires, who inform him about Jacques's death and his siblings escaping into a Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home. They then spot a Verdant Flammable Device signal from atop the waterfall; after failing to signal back, Violet resolves to journey up the mountain to see who is giving them the signal.


"Very lovely indeed."

While searching Headquarters, Klaus finds a code was left behind in the fridge, though he needs to decipher it; Quigley gives him a spare, blue commonplace book to use. While he does, Quigley and Violet use her inventions to travel up the slope. They stop to rest halfway up and wonder about the secrets their parents kept from them. Violet mentions that their spot on the slope has a lovely view, and Quigley turns to look at her as he says, "Very lovely indeed." Lemony Snicket refuses to describe what happened, saying Violet deserves some privacy, although it is quite possible the two shared a kiss.

Violet and Quigley eventually reach the top of the mountain, where they find Sunny alive and well, but still held hostage by Olaf's troupe. After hiding from Olaf, Esmé Squalor, and Olaf's henchmen, Sunny decides to stay and spy on the troupe to find out where the Last Safe Place is, and Violet and Quigley travel back down the waterfall. Klaus has discovered that there will be a meeting on Thursday, though he can't find out where.

They initially decide to set a trap for Esmé in order to hold her hostage in exchange for Sunny. At the last minute, they regret their decision and warn Esmé about the trap. They decide to take Esmé back up the mountain disguised as nameless volunteers. They try to fool Olaf into giving them Sunny in exchange for false information about the Sugar Bowl, even though they have no idea where it is or why it's so important, but their plan fails. When the Snow Scouts arrive, Quigley and the Baudelaires unmask themselves to try and convince them not to trust Olaf's troupe, but this fails, and the Snow Scouts (Except for Carmelita Spats) are captured.


Quigley is swept away in the Stricken Stream.

When Sunny escapes Olaf and returns to her siblings, Olaf and Esmé try to convince Carmelita to join them, and Quigley warns her that the two of them will burn down her parents' home. She refuses to listen to them, and the Baudelaires and Quigley are forced to flee by sailing a toboggan down the Stricken Stream.

Just as Sunny tells them that the Last Safe Place is the Hotel Denouement, the ice of the waterfall breaks, and Quigley is washed away by the current into a separate tributary. Before he disappears from the Baudelaire's sight, he yells Violet's name and asks her to wait for him at an unknown location.

Later Life[]

Quigley met with Jacques' sister, Kit Snicket, and they plan to meet up with the Baudelaire siblings, but he receives word from Duncan and Isadora's Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home that they are being attacked in the sky by the V.F.D. eagles. Kit and Quigley steal a helicopter from a nearby botanist to help his family and Hector. Only Quigley goes on the helicopter, as Kit has to meet the Baudelaires. Quigley has to construct a huge net to defend their balloon. ​​​​​​Quigley sends the Baudelaires Verse Fluctuation Declaration reading: Briny beach, Violet, taxi waiting. It is said that he put Violet just because he wanted to say her name.

Kit claims in The End that he managed, at last, to reunite with his siblings on the mobile home, but the Eagles took out the balloons holding them up. Everyone inside the mobile home was sent toppling downwards, right onto the Queequeg directly below them. Quigley, Duncan, Isadora, Kit, Captain Widdershins, Fiona, Phil, Fernald, Hector, and Ink are all left stranded in the water, before the large question-mark shaped object, the Great Unknown, appeared below them. Kit and Ink managed to escape, while everyone else is pulled under. It is unknown whether the massive creature, if that is what it is, swallowed them up or saved them.[5]

In Chapter Eight of The Penultimate Peril, Lemony Snicket claims that the triplets battled the eagles as well as Fernald, implying that Kit's story may not be entirely accurate. All that is said is that, while the Baudelaires were traveling to the arboretum of the island, the Quagmire triplets were "in circumstances just as dark although quite a bit damper than" theirs.

Netflix Series Divergent Canon[]

Sugarbowlsugar You started VFD?

The following article or section concerns information that is considered canonical to the Netflix series, but it is unknown as to where it stands in the books' canon. It may also contain information contradictory to the books. Be very cautious when using this information as a source, or you may end up reporting for The Daily Punctilio, or on the lam. Whichever you consider worse.


Quigley in Season One.

Quigley first appears with his siblings in The Miserable Mill episodes; while Duncan and Isadora run to greet their parents home from a work trip, Quigley stops and suspiciously asks his father why his leg is hurt. Later, when their parents are talking about fires, his father quips that the children would have flunked eavesdropping, which Quigley finds an odd remark.

He later was having a cider with his mother due to being unable to sleep, and when the fire began, she shoved him into the tunnels before going back for his siblings. Quigley wandered through until he reached Dr. Montgomery's house, where he located The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations. He studied the book, with VFD's secrets, and ate Monty's canned peaches until he received word that his siblings had been kidnapped. He set off to find them, unknowingly trailing the Baudelaires the whole way. He even happened to be on the same trolley as Justice Strauss, but he departed to join the Snow Scouts and find his siblings. He joined the Snow Scouts in hopes they could lead him to headquarters.[3]

In The Slippery Slope, his role is relatively the same, though instead of planning to trap Esmé, Esmé wanders into the destroyed headquarters, chasing the children, and traps herself, to which Quigley insists on using her as a hostage. She quickly escapes once they make it up the waterfall, however, and after the capture of the Snow Scouts, Quigley and the Baudelaires escape on the sled. Instead of being swept downstream, Quigley is hit by a tree branch and knocked from the sled.

Quigley sugarbowl

Quigley looks inside the Sugar Bowl.

He fashions ski out of tree bark and makes his way back to the city, where he contacts Arthur Poe, the Vice President of Orphan Affairs, in hopes of help. Poe proves useless, but the trip puts Quigley in contact with Kit Snicket, who sends him to retrieve the Sugar Bowl from the Gorgonian Grotto. There, at the top, he hears the Baudelaires arrive. Violet tries to go up to him via a spiral staircase, but the Medusoid Mycelium begins to spread, and the Baudelaires force Quigley to shut the trapdoor so he doesn't get infected.

He sends VFD a telegram that he has acquired the Sugar Bowl, but the Baudelaires are in danger, before looking inside the bowl and being shocked at the contents.[6] He then gives the Sugar Bowl to the trained VFD crows, and figures out the Baudelaires' location by studying tidal charts, which he communicates to Kit.[7]

Quigley ladder

Quigley reunites with his siblings.

It is implied, in the Netflix series, that he is picked up from the destroyed Anwhistle Aquatics by his siblings in the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home.[8] It is heavily implied via a secret message (delivered in couplet form) that the Quagmires (and possibly other allies of the Baudelaires) reunited with Violet, Klaus, and Sunny on Briny Beach sometime after The End.[9]

Quigley is portrayed by Dylan Kingwell, who also portrays Duncan. Quigley's main distinguishable feature from Duncan is his hairstyle, which is messier in comparison to Duncan's. In The Miserable Mill: Part Two, his hair was shown to be the same length as Duncan's. By the time of The Slippery Slope, his hair is shoulder length, offering additional distinguishing features between the two.

Physical Appearance[]

In The Slippery Slope, Quigley is originally described as being the only Snow Scout to wear a sweater instead of the standard uniform. Later, after he removes his mask, Quigley is described as looking "so much like Duncan and Isadora that he could only be the third Quagmire triplet". Violet and Klaus even noted that he was giving them "a small smile that looked exactly like his siblings'".

In the Netflix adaptation, Quigley is identical (in terms of physical appearance) to Duncan. They both have brown hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes. In Season 1, Quigley is shown to have short cropped hair, in a style that is very similar to his brother Duncan. Though unlike Duncan, Quigley's hair was shown to be in a messier style. However, by Season 3, his hair had grown longer and shaggier.


Quigley Quagmire/Quotes


  • Due to Quigley and his siblings being born at some point in the two years Violet and Klaus's respective births, it can be assumed that all three are around thirteen years old, and possibly closer to fourteen by the end of the series.[10]
  • The reason Quigley was taken off by a branch on a frozen stream in the Netflix adaptation instead of being lost in a streaming waterfall is that the creators said water is incredibly time-consuming and difficult to animate.
  • His commonplace book is violet.[4] It is notable that his notebook is the same color as the first name of Violet Baudelaire, who is implicitly his love interest.
  • Quigley's first name means "one with messy hair" or simply "unruly hair", which is fitting for his character. In the television show, his hair is shown to be longer and messier than Duncan's in Season 3.
  • Dylan Kingwell has stated that he tried to portray Duncan and Quigley differently, as an easier way to tell the difference between the two. He played Duncan as more of an optimist, while Quigley was a little more saddened because of what he faced.[11]
  • In the Netflix Adaptation, Quigley's voice is slightly deeper than Duncan's.
  • He is the only Quagmire triplet to not have a trading card.
  • He is the only Quagmire triplet to have an alliterative name, as Duncan and Isadora are named after Isadora Duncan.
  • Just like the White-Faced Women, Snickets, and Denouements, Duncan and Isadora appear to be twins before Quigley is revealed in The Slippery Slope.


Mr. Quagmire
Mrs. Quagmire
Duncan Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Quigley Quagmire



Due to the amount of photographs relating to this article, Quigley Quagmire now has its own gallery.


  1. PROSE: The Austere Academy
  2. The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations, page 79: "When asked in a fan interview what year the story takes place, Daniel Handler replied with characteristic Snicket dryness: "The Year of the Rat." Violet turns fifteen during the Year of the Rat, and Klaus thirteen, and as the Quagmires are stated to be inbetween Violet and Klaus's ages, it is likely they are fourteen, meaning they were born fourteen years prior to the Year of the Rat; according to the Chinese Zodiac Signs, that would mean they were born in the Year of the Dog.
  3. 3.0 3.1 TV: The Slippery Slope: Part Two
  4. 4.0 4.1 PROSE: The Slippery Slope
  5. Duncan and his siblings were taken by the Great Unknown. Many readers believe the Great Unknown is the Bombinating Beast though this has not been confirmed.
    In Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights?, it states that Lemony killed Hangfire when he pushes the villain into the mouth of the Bombinating Beast. If the two entities are the same and Lemony did actually kill Hangfire, then Quigley would likely also be deceased.
    However, at the end of the eighth chapter in The End, Lemony Snicket wrote that the Quagmire triplets "at this very moment were in circumstances just as dark although quite a bit damper than the Baudelaire's," suggesting that the Quagmires might be alive inside the Great Unknown.
    Also, noteworthy, while Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights? was published after the The End, in-universe it is the report Snicket wrote as a teenager versus A Series of Unfortunate Events was written by Snicket as an adult. This means Snicket had more knowledge (about what happens to someone eaten by the Great Unknown/Bombinating Beast) when writing The End then when he wrote Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights? And, of course, he may still have the Bombinating Beast statue and have learned how to control the creature in that time.
  6. TV: The Grim Grotto: Part One
  7. TV: The Grim Grotto: Part Two
  8. TV: The End
  9. PROSE: The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations
  10. Violet and Klaus both celebrate their birthdays during the series, confirming that it unfolds over the course of roughly one year.