Lemony Snicket Wiki
Lemony Snicket Wiki
"The Slippery Slope: Part Two"
Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 8.11.52 AM
Adapted from: The Slippery Slope
Main character(s): Violet, Klaus, Sunny
Baudelaire guardians: Brucie, Quigley Quagmire
Main enemy: Count Olaf
Olaf's disguise: None
Main setting: Mortmain Mountains
Library: V.F.D. Headquarters Library
Key crew
Writer: Daniel Handler
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Producer: Neil Patrick Harris
Release details
Story number: 1b
Season/series: Season 3
Premiere network: Netflix
Release date: January 1, 2019
Format: 44 minutes
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A Series of Unfortunate Events
"The Slippery Slope: Part One" "The Grim Grotto: Part One"

"The Slippery Slope: Part Two" is the twentieth episode of Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It covered the second half of The Slippery Slope.


Note: this plot summary follows the books and it is unknown when Part Two begins, but continues from where part One ends.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the siblings and the boy come to the V.F.D. headquarters and find it burnt. The boy reveals himself to be Quigley Quagmire, who the Baudelaires believed to be dead. Violet, Klaus, and Quigley see the plume of green smoke rising from the cliff so Violet invents a device to help herself and Quigley climb up the steep cliff to find out who signaled them. During a rest on a ledge of the cliff, Quigley appears to express romantic interest in Violet. At this point, Lemony Snicket explains to the reader that the Baudelaires have had little privacy in their life and that he will allow Violet to keep some things to herself. Some speculation says it might imply the two share a kiss, admit their love and talk. This might mean Violet had a crush on both Quigley and Duncan. Quigley, at least, is confirmed because, before Lemony Snicket breaks off from this scene, he lets us hear two sentences. He tells us Violet tells Quigley it's a lovely view, but Snicket tells us that Quigley is looking at her.

He resumes the book when Quigley and Violet finish their climb and meet Sunny at the top. Violet wants Sunny to return with them but she refuses, telling her sister that she can spy on Olaf and learn useful information. Violet reluctantly agrees, realizing that Sunny is no longer a baby.

Upon meeting again, Violet, Quigley, and Klaus hatch a plan to lure Esmé to them, trap her, and use her to bait Olaf into giving Sunny back. They dig a pit and light a Verdant Flammable Device next to it. Esmé sees some green smoke at the bottom of the slope. She goes down it, thinking the smoke is coming from the "in" cigarettes that she has now run out of. When she reaches the bottom, she runs into three masked strangers and they help her climb back up the slope hoping to get Sunny as their reward.

As they reach the top, the Snow Scouts reach the same peak of the same slope. However, Olaf has sprung a trap to capture all of the scouts in a huge net. Klaus, Violet, and Quigley take off their masks to convince the scouts to run. Olaf orders the two White-Faced Women to grab them and throw Sunny off the mountain but they refuse and formally quit Olaf's troupe. The Baudelaires and Quigley are too late, as the Freaks, the scouts (except for Carmelita), and the Hook-Handed Man are taken up into the net and carried off by eagles. Carmelita is convinced to join Olaf and Esmé in their evil schemes while the Baudelaires and Quigley grab a sled and slide down the slope. When they reach the bottom the entire side of the slope breaks open, causing a waterfall. The Baudelaires and Quigley are separated. Quigley tries to tell them to meet him somewhere but he cannot be heard over the rush of water.



Guest starring




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Story notes

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Filming locations

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Production errors

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Deviations from the novel

  • Violet and Klaus's lines when they see Quigley's face are a bit different:
    • Violet says, "You're Quigley Quagmire," instead of "You're dead."
    • Klaus says that "We heard you perished in a fire." The italics are not in the book.
  • Lemony narrates most of Quigley's story instead of him saying it all.
  • Mr. Poe is still hanging around Kit. 
    • Mr. Poe wasn't in the book at this time.
    • Kit may have been alluded to be there when Lemony mentions going to the headquarters where she may have been at the end of Chapter 5.
  • The Man and Woman actually tell the villains about the singaling devices when Sunny is using them to make lox. In the book, they still didn't know.
  • Olaf actually suspects that Sunny is pretending to be helpless.
  • The Man and Woman give the Snicket file to Olaf in private instead of when they first arrived and everyone is looking.
  • Violet finds items that belong to people that either she, Klaus, or Quigley had heard of when trying to find a way to get up the waterfall,
  • Violet didn't use hooks to climb up in the book, it was more forks.
  • Sunny was not locked in a cage on the mountain.
  • Violet and Quigley were talking only when they reached the ledge instead of as they were still climbing. The former did not lose a glove on the ledge.
  • When the two climbed up, in the book they heard Sunny call out to them. Here, she's in the cage and they see her while Fernald is standing guard.
    • They hide behind rocks instead of under Olaf's car.
  • The Man and the Woman ask for a tarp instead of a net.
  • Sunny ties a small ribbon in her hair. It's the first instance in the show where she wears one, where in the book she wears one all the time.
  • In the book, they figured out some of Verbal Fridge Dialogue before making the climb. In the show, they figure it all out after they came back down:
    • The verse says "the sender, look and see" instead of "within the addressee."
      • The Quagmire parents taught her how to write couplets instead of a teacher.
    • Klaus figured out which jam to look in instead of Violet.
    • They write "The Last Safe Place" on the mustard instead of the three having to find a stanza to try and guess it (it's not mentioned until the very end).
  • The way Esmé decides to come down the mountain and what happens after is quite different:
    • Her outfit is much more different - it's more liek a pantsuit as opposed to a large dress.
    • Esmé goes down the mountain because they think they see a volunteer spyglass (and thinks they may have the sugar bowl) and not the smoke of the Verdant Flame Devices as they tried to lure her down and trap her.
    • Klaus sees Esmé coming through the aforementioned spyglass instead of him, Violet, and Quigley guessing from behind an arch when she was coming down.
    • Esmé uses skis instead of using a tobaggan. She crashes in the ruins instead of stopping short because they stopped her.
    • Violet, Quigley, and Klaus immediately hide instead of hide their faces in masks (though Quigley hides his face, Violet and Klaus don't)
    • They don't lure Esmé into a trap outside the ruins, she accidentally steps on one in the hot tub room (and they didn't make it).
  • "Mount Fraught Syndrome" is defined differently. 
    • Series: Regarding captors as friends.
    • Book: Regarding captors as villains.
  • Esmé doesn't realize the Baudelaires were speaking to her over the pit until much later because they had masks on in the book, but in the series, they don't, and she heard Klaus's name.
  • Lady Bruce actually questions why Carmelita is always False Spring Queen. They also abandoned her on the way up.
  • The whole Mount Fraught experience when everyone gets up there is different.
    • Esmé is the one who tells them the plan to capture the Snow Scouts instead of the Man and Woman.
    • The Man and Woman stated they they would only burn down the houses of the children if they refused to join them in the series. In the book, they would burn them down either way.
    • The aforementioned two tell Olaf to throw Sunny off the cliff, instead of him thinking it up himself. He seems a bit relectuant to do it.
    • This is when the Indeterminate Gender Person and Bald Man decide to leave like the white-faced woman actually do.
    • Fernald is the one who threw the cage off the cliff.
    • Violet and Klaus believe she is already dead instead of thinking she will die due to the aforementioned thing.
    • Sunny stays hidden behind the car instead of coming out.
    • Only the Snow Scouts get captured in the tarp, because Fernald is off to the side, and the freaks are (supposedly) dead. The Man doesn't crack a whip to make the eagles come.
    • The Man and Woman stole Olaf's car. In the book, Violet popped the tires, and the sinister villains had not yet left until Quigley and the Baudelaires went down the waterfall.
    • Carmelita insists that they should keep Klaus instead of Violet.
    • Instead of the toboggan being near them, Sunny finally reveals herself and pushes it towards the others as the villains get out of the way.
    • There's no mention in the episode when Sunny overhears the last safe place like in the book.
  • The order in which they ride the toboggan is changed:
    • Series: Klaus, Sunny, Violet, Quigley.
    • Book: Violet, Quigley, Klaus, Sunny.
  • Instead of Quigley falling off when they landed in the water, he runs into a branch and is stuck on it because he, unlike Violet and Klaus (Sunny is short enough to not have to), didn't duck in time.
  • Stricken Stream stayed frozen in the series, even when they found the periscope. In the book, it was already thawed out and they were floating there.
    • They were not on top of the submarine when it emerged, they were in front of it.
  • Quigley is walking along trying to find his way out, as opposed to having to swim his way out first. Olaf, Esmé, Carmelita, and Fernald are walking instead of driving because the Man and Woman stole the car.
  • Kit rides Mr. Poe back into the taxi.
    • It's revealed that the Man and Woman actually did burn down all the houses of the Snow Scouts in the series. In the book, they hadn't left to do such a task.


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Behind the scenes

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Home video releases

DVD releases

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Blu-ray releases

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